3-Day Ticket for FILTECH 2019


You can now receive your FREE 3-Day Ticket for the FILTECH 2019 in Cologne.

We‘re already looking forward to having exciting conversations with you. Great, that we’ll have the chance to meet you!

See you soon 🙂


Your Ticket

Redeem your Ticket-Code from your email address here.

Instructions on how to redeem your Ticket-Code:

Here are the instructions on how to redeem your Ticket-Code quick & easy:

  1. Use the following link:https://filtech.de/exhibition/visitor-registration
    You will now be directed to the „Visitor Registration“ page.
  2. Please enter your personal code, received above, in the green box:
  3. In the „Amount“ column choose „1“ from the dropdown list and click on „Next step“.
  4. Enter your personal details. The „GTC and Privacy Policy“ box at the bottom must be accepted. Click on „Next step“.
  5. Enter your Position/Job then click on „Next step“.
  6. Click on „Order ticket“.
  7. Now you can download your ticket conveniently as a PDF-file.